Picture Stickleback, credits C. Peichel

Community & Resources

EvoKE – Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone

The EvoKE pro­ject stands for Evol­u­tion­ary Know­ledge for Every­one. EvoKE aims to build a col­lab­or­at­ive, diverse, and dynam­ic net­work of people inter­ested in pro­mot­ing a great­er sci­entif­ic lit­er­acy in evol­u­tion. Read more …


The Evol­u­tion Dir­ect­ory (EvolDir) is a well-known mail­ing list dir­ec­ted toward evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gists, pop­u­la­tion bio­lo­gists and sci­ent­ists in related areas.

Evolution Matters

A Guide to the Creationism/Evolution Con­tro­versy, provid­ing inform­a­tion and online resources to help improve pub­lic edu­ca­tion and under­stand­ing of evolution.

Please do not hes­it­ate to con­tact the ESEB office (office@eseb.org) if you would like to update or add any inform­a­tion about societies.

Clergy Let­ter Project