Call for Applications
Next deadline: Monday, 28 April 2025
Open call for proposals for activities that increase awareness of the problem and possible solutions. Such proposals can include, but are not limited to, short workshops (for instance, on unconscious bias) and/or seminars (with invited speakers) at your home organization, data collection, publication activities and similar events. It must be clear from the proposal how the activity will improve our knowledge and awareness of inequalities, or how the activity will improve equal opportunities directly, in the ESEB specifically, or Evolutionary Biology as a field in general.
- The main applicant must be ESEB member (to become a member of ESEB, please visit our membership page first).
- Applications can be submitted by scientists at any stage of a professional career (e.g., undergraduate, Masters and PhD students, postdocs, and lecturers).
- Applicants must provide proof of support of the host institution where the activity should take place, if applicable (letter from head of department)
- Applicants must explain explicitly how their activity will improve our knowledge, awareness of unequal opportunities, or how the activity will improve equal opportunities directly, in ESEB specifically, or Evolutionary Biology as a field in general.
- Applicants must detail which group of people, and how many, will benefit from this activity (for instance, 50 undergraduates, 10 graduate students, 15 faculty members)
- Budgets should be reasonable (usually not exceeding 1000 EUR, if more is required, please contact EO committee first), and, if applicable, detail costs per person (that benefit from this event).
The application should be no more than 3 pages long (excluding CV and support letter) and include:
- Name of the applicant(s), please indicate the main applicant if appropriate.
- A proposal of the activity
- A justification of how the activity will improve our knowledge, awareness of unequal opportunities, or how the activity will improve equal opportunities directly, in ESEB specifically, or Evolutionary Biology as a field in general.
- Which group of people will benefit (students, staff, general public), and how many
- A detailed, justified budget (including cost per beneficiary)
- A time schedule
- A short summary to be published on the website (100–150 words)
- CVs of the applicants (1–2 pages)
- A letter of support of the host institution’s head of the department
Please submit the application as a single PDF file by email to Ute Friedrich at the ESEB Office (; Subject: EO Fund 2025) and take care to limit the size of attachments (total < 10 MB) in any one email.
Next deadline: Monday, 28 April 2025
We will acknowledge receipt of all applications within a week. If you have not received our confirmation by then, please contact the ESEB office again!
Successful applications must hand in a report about the activity, including details of how funds were spent, within 3 months of the event.
March 2023 – Accepted Proposals
Applicant: Kelley Leung (NL)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: “Among Us”: photography-based project telling the personal stories of our own underrepresented ESEB members
Applicant: Will Nash (UK)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Equitable Practise in Evolution Training Course
Applicant: Jasmine Ono (UK)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Inclusivity Matters!
Applicants: Tuba Rizvi, Öncü Maraci, Rebecca S. Chen (DE)
Funding provided: 1800 €
Title: International scientific congress, “Behaviour 2023”
Applicants: Carolina Corrales, Umilaela Arifin and Alina Schüller (DE)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Diversity campaign “Make Diversity Visible”
Applicants: Laura Sierra-Botero, Esteban Gañan-Gomez (CO)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Three month-science club in ecology and evolution for senior secondary students
Applicants: Tate Yawitz, Eddy Mendoza-Galindo, Léo Laborieux (US)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Gene Bingo: How Nature Plays the Game of Evolution

Created by Tate Yawitz and Eddy Mendoza
Gene Bingo! is an innovative educational tool designed to engage students with the principles of evolution through a fun, interactive format. Launched initially at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, and since extended to seven schools and three educational centers in Mexico, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and Columbia Univerisity, Gene Bingo! introduces key concepts in evolutionary biology to young students in an accessible way. We demonstrate how mutation, genetic drift, natural selection and migration impact the genetics of populations over time while having fun and competing to survive (to win!). The game is adaptable to different age groups and knowledge levels, with distinct versions available for elementary, middle, and high school students, allowing teachers to adapt gameplay to meet the specific needs of their students.
Our outreach team provides complete, translated guides to facilitate the game’s use across diverse classrooms and educational centers. Gene Bingo! kits are now available through institutions in the US and Mexico or publicly available on its website ( Feedback and informal polling indicate a notable increase in students’ enthusiasm for science, showcasing Gene Bingo!’s success in fostering curiosity and appreciation for evolutionary biology. We believe Gene Bingo! serves as a great foundation to make evolution accessible and understandable for everyone.
March 2022 – Accepted Proposals
Applicant: Soledad Esteban de Trivigno (ES)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Drawing equality in academia through decolonization and social reproduction
Science decolonization has gained attention in recent years, as some Western scientific discoveries, findings and applications have been achieved by means of colonization, oppression and extractivism. In addition, the discussion of women in academia has shed light on how care-giving (maternity) is one of the main causes of career dropouts and precariousness in the work-family life balance. Although these rampant issues are not exclusive to the field of Evolutionary Biology (EB) but rather prevail across academia, some argumentative reasonings are rooted in major historical events of EB or its theory. Round tables led by experts in these issues will take place in an event aimed at Evolutionary biologists and other STEM and Social scientists. Two graphic summaries, including motion graphics, will be developed highlighting common experiences, perspectives, commentaries
and main conclusions from these round tables. These will be available to all ESEB members, and shared through social media.
Applicants: Kenzy Peña (main applicant, MX), Alexis Buatois, Amanda Facciol, Ebi Antony George, Valentin Lecheval, Natacha Rossi, and Saeed Shafiei Sabet
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: 3rd Animal Behaviour Live Annual Online Conference
Funding from the ESEB Equal Opportunities Initiative enabled us ( to organise the Animal Behaviour Live: Annual Online Conference 2022 (17–18 November). Similar to the previous editions, 1035 participants registered to attend the conference (with a final count of 3486 views on YouTube), from all continents, with excellent participation from researchers of diverse backgrounds (66.2% identified as female, 43.1% as ECRs, 18.3% as Asian, 8.1% as South American and 4.3% as African). The conference included talks, poster sessions and social events on both days from 07:00 UTC until midnight, allowing researchers from different parts of the world to attend at their convenience. Our review process for selecting abstracts for presentation at the conference ensured a balanced representation of genders and continents, in line with the composition of the Animal Behaviour Live community. We also organised interactive events such as a “Meet the PI” session with our plenary speakers, where participants could ask any
questions about their career paths, work-life balance, etc., as well as a workshop on the STRANGE framework (a framework designed to improve data reproducibility), and another on popularisation of science. The funding we received enabled us to streamline our communication efforts and reach a large proportion of researchers who had not attended our events before. This also bolstered participation in our annual seminar series (where PIs are encouraged to present their research along with the ECRs who conducted the research), and in our re-launched roundtables (focusing on panel discussions by experts and ECRs on inclusivity in academia). Talks from the conference, seminar series and round tables can be viewed at:
September 2021 – Accepted Proposals
Applicant: Lutz Becks (DE)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Networking Workshop at the “QUeeR in EEB” Science and networking event
The first 1st “QUeeR in EEB” networking event will take place from 17th to 18th March 2022 at the University of Konstanz (Germany). The aim of the event is to provide a place for networking between students and scientists who identify themselves as queer and who work in the field of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology. The program will be a mix of workshops on networking and empowering as well as scientific presentations and discussions. The QUeeR in EEB event will start with a networking workshop so that the participants can benefit more from the other parts of the two-day event. In the workshop, participants will strengthen their professional appearance and increase their visibility in the professional environment, develop their personal message, which makes others take notice and remember.
Applicants: Jana M. Flury & Isabel C. Kilian Salas (DE)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Screening of the film “Picture a Scientist” and following keynote lecture and panel discussion
The movie “Picture a Scientist” is a documentary film of 2020 which follows the career of three female researchers in different research areas along their journey with systematic discrimination, gender biases and sexual harassment. It highlights and mirrors the experience that many women in science have experienced. Moreover, it raises awareness of biases in science and possible solutions to overcome this.
We will have a keynote lecture from Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, a female scientist who also went on roughly 40 ship field trips all over the ocean. Further we will have a panel discussion with two female professors from University of Bonn and Hamburg, as well as with the scientific referee for equal opportunities and gender equality of the Leibniz Association and Prof. Dr. Peter Kappeler from the University of Göttingen and author of the publication “An Evolutionary Explanation for the Female Leadership Paradox”.
Applicants: Mehdi Khadraoui (AT), Akanksha Singh, Henry North (UK), Saudat Alishayeva (NL), Saphira Schroers (DE), Sebastian Groh (UK), Juliana Rodríguez Fuentes, Sudeshna Chakraborty (NL), Arve Lee Willingham (ES), Juan José Lagos, Lisanne Leenheer (NL), and Sergio González-Mollinedo (NL)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Pre-Master Crash Course in Evolutionary Biology
Representation matters, especially for young students from the Global South that want to start a career in science. However, systemic knowledge gaps persist and cause lags outside of North America and Europe, making access to those fields much more difficult for some prospective students. Evolutionary Biology is not an exception, despite ongoing efforts to increase inclusion. We propose the creation of an Evolutionary Biology Crash Course to help these prospective students achieve a better understanding of the field and increase their chances to have access to high level master’s programmes and an opportunity at a career as future evolutionary biologists.
Applicant: Malgorzata Lagisz (AU)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Simple is best? Evaluating and rectifying biases in eligibility and criteria for scientific awards
Individual awards recognize achievements of researchers and influence career progression in academia. Such awards may also propagate existing biases and reinforce traditional “linear” career trajectories. Therefore, these awards can have significant downstream effects on promotion and retention of women and other underrepresented minorities in science. This project aims to collect data on eligibility rules and assessment criteria of individual international awards available to early and mid-career researchers in evolutionary biology. Further, it will quantify potential biases and historical trends in the lists of past awardees in relation to the award policies. Ultimately, the project will reveal which awards provide equitable access and assessment, highlighting instances of best practice. Resulting journal publication will act as a nudge for other award committees to shift from simple but non-equitable award policies towards strategies promoting inclusivity and diversity – benefiting whole research community, but especially these at early and mid-career stages.
March 2019 – Accepted Proposal
Applicants: Elisa Perez-Badas (UK), in collaboration with Hannah Dugdale and Marina Papadopoulou
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Blind reviewing and bias in evolutionary biology
It is now widely acknowledged that female researchers have reduced visibility when compared to their male counterparts, and one potential mechanism behind this trend could be implicit bias (unconscious bias) in the peer-review process. However, whether the peer-review method (single-blind: reviewer-identity concealed; double-blind: author- and reviewer-identity concealed) influences reviewer/editorial decision remains debated. Geographical location explains differences in acceptance rates during single-blind review in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology (JEB), but biases since the introduction of double-blind peer-review have not been assessed. I will investigate whether the change in JEB peer-review explains (i) differences in gender and geographic bias, and (ii) differences in publication outcomes according to gender and geographic location. My project will provide a deeper understanding of the reasons behind publication bias in evolutionary biology. Moreover, I will increase visibility of gender imbalances by making the results of my research easily accessible through ‘BiasWatchEvol’.
March 2018 – Accepted Proposals
Applicants: Brittany A. Leigh (US), Jessamyn I. Perlmutter (US), and Bartholomew P. Roland (US)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Symposium: The attrition of diversity along the postdoc-to-faculty transition
Innovation and discovery are products of diversified thought and approach. Scientists must continuously integrate new perspectives to pioneer their respective fields. However, the goals of intellectual advancement are belied by the lack of diversity in our faculty and institutions. Incorporating more female and underrepresented minority (URM) scientists, mathematicians, and engineers will have a transformative impact on our workplace and our research. This proposal aims to support a half-day symposium to highlight the career developmental challenges faced by members of URM communities. Specific emphasis will be placed on the postdoc-to faculty career transition, and speakers will discuss challenges and remedies for URM career attrition.
Applicants: Tuul Sepp (EE) & Kristina Noreikiene (EE)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Interdisciplinary workshop in Tartu (Estonia): Evolutionary biology in a gender-neutral world
In evolutionary biology studies the sex of the test subject is a common trait that is very often used in analyzing and interpreting the results. From a science outreach perspective, sex differences
found in scientific studies are extra appealing, due to ease of understanding and intriguing (clickbait) nature of reporting this kind of results. However, results on sex differences often get reported in media in a twisted way, either on purpose to get more attention, or due to unconscious biases we know still too little about. Suboptimal communication of results showing existence or,
alternatively, lack of sex differences may lead to various misinterpretations. We organised a meeting, bringing together evolutionary biologists, but also scientists from other fields of study, and science journalists. In our seminar-workshop, we aimed develop a better understanding of conscious and unconscious sex-related biases in order to effectively, but also sensitively communicate sex-biased results to the public. We discussed the reasons of miscommunication between science journalists and scientists, and possible solutions to the common problem.
September 2017 – Accepted Proposals
Applicants: Paula Vasconcelos (SE) & Ingrid Ahnesjö (SE)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: How to handle gendered assumptions in evolutionary biology research
When we approach questions on males and females, in evolutionary biology, we may be influenced by gender biased assumptions. In a very stimulating ESEB EO-supported workshop in Uppsala we identified, discussed and problematized gendered assumptions in scientific publications. We furthermore developed guidelines and recommend an increased awareness on gender biases in assumptions, language use, transparency, generalizations and design of studies. These guidelines are further specified and discussed or can be found on the workshop webpage . The guidelines are aimed to raise our awareness and ability to tackle gendered assumptions in research and to improve how we do and present science.
26–27 April 2018 at Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Applicants: Karine Ranovona (FR), Hava Guerni (FR), and Dusan Misevic (FR)
Funding provided: 950 €
Title: What (not?) to wear: Evolutionary Conference Photo-Booth
“What should I wear?” is often asked in labs around conference season, but the answers remain vague and often unhelpful. Without telling anyone what to do, the action “What Scientists Wear” showcases the diversity of what over 150 mostly early-career, female scientists wore to this year’s Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier.
Their photos are presented as a gallery at
Additionally, over 200 conference attendees answered a questioner about dressing for scientific events. On average, people do pay attention to the way they dress, being well dressed makes them feel more confident, and believe the clothes are important for being taken seriously. In contrast, being well dressed was considered not to give more value to people’s words or ultimately matter, pointing to a potential cognitive dissonance between what they believe and how they act. There were differences between responses from male and female participants, suggesting that female scientists impose greater scrutiny on their appearance. Further study and deeper analysis would be needed in order to disentangle underlying causes of these differences and the overall attitudes.
While the survey prompts reflection and potentially contentious discussion of the present attitudes, the gallery has a straightforward chance to lower judgment about professional conferences, by saying “this too is how we look, how we dress”. Ultimately, we hope that seeing these photos will empower future PhD students, independent of their age, gender, or other factors, to remain themselves in the professional context, fight stereotypes, and impose the culture of openness, respect, and diversity.
Applicants: Tugce Bilgin Sonay, Rocio Rama Ballesteros, Ana Claudia Marques, Sarvenaz Choobdar, Yihong Jennifer Tan, Katarina Cisarova, and Reyhan Sonmez (all applicants based in CH)
Funding provided: 900 €
Title: Django programming Workshop for girls
While coding skills are essential in today’s big data era, informatics technologies are still strongly male biased. It is therefore key to empower females, especially young girls, to learn programming. With this in mind we are organizing a one-and-a-half day programming Django workshop ( based on Python. The workshop is free and tailored to introduce girls preferably at school age to programming in a friendly and inclusive environment. Our mission is to inspire more women to consider a career in STEM by making some of its most ‘daunting’ aspects, programming, accessible. We will use our experience as evolutionary biologists to illustrate the power of programming to address key questions in biology and evolution, where computational skills are increasingly relevant.
March 2017 – Accepted Proposals
Applicants: Elena Casacuberta (ES), Iñaki Ruíz-Trillo (ES)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Women in Evolution, a gender awareness day at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona
This event took place on 29th May 2017 in the auditorium of the Biomedical Research Park of Barcelona. Three outstanding female researchers, Ángela Nieto, Leslea Hlusko, and Patricia Beldade explained their research accomplishments. We also heard talks by Gerling Wallon (Deputy Director of EMBO) who presented measures being taken by EMBO to minimize gender balance, and by Magdalena Skipper (Senior Editor at Nature Publishing Group) who discussed gender balance issues in peer-review (see full programme below). The session was closed with an open round table that had a lot of interaction from the public.
Our first objective had been to reach a high number of participants so that the visualization of excellent science done in the field of evolutionary biology by female researchers would have a greater impact. Thanks to the excellent speakers as well as the publicity we generated, 109 participants from 13 different research institutions registered. Furthermore, around 60% of IBE members of all staff categories attended the event.
A short survey by the gender balance committee done on the following days with participation of different IBE members showed that the event had a significant impact, especially, with respect to the awareness of the problem and the visualization of the excellent science done by female researchers in evolution. Thus, we strongly believe the short-term objectives were fully accomplished and that the event was a great success.
Download the program of the event: Women in Evolution 2017
Applicant: Hannah Edwards (UK)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Title: Gender differences in authorships are not associated with publication bias in an evolutionary journal
The EO Initiative grant allowed Dr Hannah Edwards to investigate whether there was publication bias according to gender and continent in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology (JEB). Conducting implicit bias research in evolutionary biology scholarly publishing is important because a lower number of published papers and reduced visibility of female compared to male scientists contributes to the ‘leaky pipeline’ – the loss of talented female scientists from more senior academic positions.
The research found that female first-authors (the lead role) were six times less likely to be named as the corresponding author than male first-authors, and that female first-authors were more likely to be displaced as corresponding authors by female co-authors than were male first-authors. There was an under-representation of female first- and last-authors compared to baseline populations of members of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) and of Evolutionary Biology faculty at the world top-10 universities for the Life Sciences, respectively. Additionally, manuscripts from Asia were four times more likely to be rejected on the first decision and five times on the final
decision. Overall the results suggest that the peer review process at the Journal of Evolutionary Biology is gender-neutral and not a contributing factor to differences in authorship in this journal, and gender inequality in Evolutionary Biology in general.
This research has resulted in a publication in PLoS ONE:
Applicants: Zenobia Lewis (UK), Klara Wanelik (UK), Joanne Griffin (UK)
Funding provided: 1000 €
In recent years the academic community has made great progress in addressing the historic underrepresentation of women in STEM subjects. What has received less attention are the minorities identifying with other protected characteristics, such as race/ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic background. There has been very little discussion with regards the effect of coming from a protected group, despite evidence that this can have a strong effect on the probability of retaining an academic career (e.g. Heward, Taylor & Vickers 1997; Fang et al. 2000; Ng et al. 2005). These protected groups can face a multitude of barriers, including financial worries, and negative perceptions of their own academic career success (Paul 2016). This is not only leading to the loss of talented individuals, but also to the loss of diversity per se which has been shown to promote innovation and productivity in the workplace (recently highlighted in Tachibana 2012).
We recently held a workshop here at the University of Liverpool on breaking (non-gender related) barriers in STEM. The event was extremely well attended and received; one attendee commented: “The event was an important outlet to discuss some of the more personal issues that affect many people in STEM. There has been no other outlet for this purpose, and this event showed just how much we needed one!”
We now wish to further this discussion more widely by writing an open access evidence-based article on some of the challenges faced by scientists that do not come from a ‘traditional’ background, and how some of these challenges can be overcome.
Link to the publication:
Wanelik, 2020, Ecology and Evolution, Breaking barriers? Ethnicity and socioeconomic background impact on early career progression in the fields of ecology and evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6423
Applicants: Jessica Stapley (CH), Sara Petchey (CH)
Funding provided: 820 €
We organised an event entitled “Let’s redress the leaky pipeline”, which featured a seminar from Dr Rhonda Snook, an evolutionary biologist and gender equality champion. Dr Snook introduced the problem of the leaky pipeline and discussed the role of unconscious bias in this process. Following Dr Snook’s seminar representatives from ETH Zürich (ETHZ) and University of Zurich (UZH) presented relevant data on the proportion of men and women at academic levels within ETHZ and UZH, and outlined the measures that these Institutions are taking to improve gender equality. Following these talks, we hosted a workshop where participants could share their experience with unconscious bias and explore ideas about how we can reduce the influence of unconscious bias in academia. The event was attended by over 70 participants – ranging from PhD students to Professors from across the life sciences at ETHZ and UZH.
September 2016 – Accepted Proposals
Applicant: Marina Papadopoulou (UK)
Funding provided: 1160 €
The last decade, gender imbalances have been noted to persist in the global research output, along with significant inequities in authorship of publications across different disciplines. In this project, I studied the role of gender in the authorship of papers on evolutionary biology. I firstly collected data on the gender of authors of more than 40,000 papers published in journals of ecology and evolutionary biology in the last 15 years, investigating the gender composition of theirs authors groups. I examined the dataset for gender bias in first-author position and the effect of authors’ gender ratio on the citation impact of each paper. Finally, a website has been created (called ‘BiasWatchEvol’), hosting the results of this analysis, in order to raise awareness of gender issues in evolutionary biology and create a common ground for all scientist to work towards gender equality.
The website is available at
Applicants: Gabby Salazar (UK) and Sarah Gluszek (UK)
Funding provided: 1000 €
New research has shown that young female scientists face an increased risk of harassment while pursuing fieldwork, above and beyond the inherent risk to fieldwork. Female scientists thus may be discouraged from pursuing further fieldwork or from even staying in the scientific community. We organised two events to increase the capacity of female biologists to stay safe during remote fieldwork at Imperial College’s Silwood Park Campus. Both events were well attended by students and staff members. The first event was a panel discussion focused on issues facing female scientists both in and out of the field. The panel was followed by a self-defence workshop for female students and staff members in the fields of evolutionary biology and ecology.
Applicant: Anna Vinton (US)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Yale University has a strong history of bringing together women of many stages in their career for discussion groups through WISAY. Recent surveys suggest even with progress such as this, there still exists a significant gender gap in the field of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. Therefore, many Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists are not reached by current women-only discussions regarding the gender gap. It’s for this reason that we held a public seminar and small faculty workshop led by Dr. Chris Kilmartin, an expert in the psychology of masculinity and gender issues, directed towards males in Evolutionary Biology, designed to bring them up to date on issues of diversity and discuss how to be an effective ally. We had high attendance for both events, encouraging us to hold more ally events in the future. We produced a blog outlining some of the main points we took from the events with Dr. Kilmartin
March 2016 – Accepted Proposals
Applicant: Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia (BR)
Funding provided: 1000 €
Despite of some attempts to give equal participation to women in science, there is still a steep imbalance in the representation of women in higher positions within science academia. On September 20th, 2016, we carried out a workshop with 100 participants where three successful women professors inspired young scientist with their unique contrasting stories about their life in academia. Afterwards, three discussion groups tackled important topics such as: life-career balance, job and challenges, mobility and career strategies that contributed with specific actions. Finally, we compiled information on rates about women at different career stages from the two major universities in central-west Brazil (Universidade Federal de Goias UFG & Universidad de Brasilia-UnB) to write a paper evaluating the positioning of women in the Brazilian science.
Applicants: Luc F. Bussière (UK), Elizabeth J. Herridge (UK), Kirsty Park (UK)
Funding provided: 1000 €
In monitoring student academic achievement by gender within our department, we had previously found concerning preliminary evidence that female students appeared less likely to achieve a first class degree. This effect was not statistically significant, however, and based on analyses of the final degree class instead of individual module grades. To explore the effects of gender on performance and test potential causes, we analysed the effects of gender on numerical academic achievement within individual modules provided by our department over three academic years. Our database included 101 modules offered from 2013/14 through 2015/16, with between one and twenty module grades for each of 2,233 individual students. We analyzed the effects of gender as well as possible mediating effects of assessment type (coursework or exam), exam weighting, anonymous marking, and academic stage.
Our findings reveal a main effect of gender on performance, but it is inconsistent with the previously suspected pattern: males scored more poorly than females on average (by a modest 1.6%), and this effect did not depend on any other variable in our analysis, as might be expected if the sexes differed in academic development or their response to assessment types. We did find that males tended to vary more in their grades than females did, which was superficially consistent with one hypothesis for gender differences in attainment: that males tend to pursue high-risk but high-reward strategies in academic assessments, resulting in more males at both extremes of the distribution. However, close examination of the distribution of grades reveals that our data do not in fact support this hypothesis as an explanation for a deficiency in first class degrees for women: while the distributions of male and female grades diverge below the first class threshold, they are virtually identical above it (see Figure 1). Our findings suggest that despite the prior evidence, both genders are equally likely to achieve a first class module grade in our unit. We will now follow up on this work by extracting data on lecturer and supervisor gender (which we were unable to incorporate in the current analysis), and explore possible gender differences in dissertation performance, which has an outsized role relative to other modules in determining degree class.
Figure 1: Density histograms illustrating final academic performance in modules (as a percentage) for students in Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Stirling, 2013–2016. The female histogram and smoother are illustrated in red, while males are in blue. A vertical dashed line illustrates the demarcation of first-class performances at 70%. While the histograms diverge below the first class threshold, the smoothing lines are virtually identical above it.
Applicants: Florence Débarre (FR), Nicolas Rode (FR), Line Ugelvig (DK)
Funding provided: 500 €
Although the proportion of women in science, and in evolutionary biology in particular, has dramatically increased over the last century, women remain underrepresented in academia, and even more so at senior levels. In addition, their scientific achievements do not always receive the same level of recognition as do men’s (a phenomenon called “Matilda effect”). Here, we want to quantify the representation of women as invited speakers in conferences, workshops and courses in evolutionary biology, and investigate the influence of the organizers and of potential gender-ratio requirements by funding bodies on the proportion of invited women. Our postulate is that a greater awareness of organizers to the issues faced by women in science, and/or constrains imposed by the funders, will be reflected in the proportion of invited female speakers.
The results of the analysis are published: F. Débarre, N. O. Rode, and L. V. Ugelvig “Gender equity at scientific events” (