European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology (EMPSEB)

The annu­al EMPSEB is sup­por­ted by ESEB to provide a plat­form for PhD stu­dents study­ing Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy to present their work and to meet their peers from all over Europe. The meet­ing is held at a dif­fer­ent European city each year and is inde­pend­ently organ­ized by cur­rent PhD stu­dents in this country.

The 29th European Meet­ing for PhD Stu­dents in Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (EMPSEB) will take place from June 3rd to 7th, 2024 in Puchberg am Schnee­berg in Austria.

More inform­a­tion is avail­able at the EMPSEB 29 web­site:

Past EMPSEB meetings

  1. 2023 – Great Cum­brae, UK
  2. 2022 – Espoo, FI
  3. 2021 – vir­tu­al meet­ing, IE
  4. 2020 – post­poned to 2021
  5. 2019 – Pedrógão Pequeno, PT
  6. 2018 – Bubión, Granada, ES
  7. 2017 – Krasiczyn, PL
  8. 2016 – Visby, SE
  9. 2015 – Stirl­ing, UK
  10. 2014 – La Roche-en-Ardenne, BE
  11. 2013 – Exeter, UK
  12. 2012 – Vir­rat, FI
  13. 2011 – Seia, PT
  14. 2010 – Wierzba, PL
  15. 2009 – Schoo­rl, NL
  16. 2008 – Ein­siedeln, CH
  17. 2007 – Lund, SE
  18. 2006 – St Andrews, UK
  19. 2005 – Bor­deaux, FR
  20. 2004 – Shrews­bury, UK
  21. 2003 – Fiesch, CH
  22. 2002 – Lohja, FI
  23. 2001 – Bernried, DE
  24. 2000 – Vaal­beek, BE
  25. 1999 – Umeå, SE
  26. 1998 – Herak­lion, GR
  27. 1997 – Bar­celona, ES
  28. 1996 – Ams­ter­dam, NL
  29. 1995 – Zurich, CH