Election Committee

The Soci­ety has an Elec­tion Com­mit­tee com­pris­ing three mem­bers. The chair of the Elec­tion Com­mit­tee will be appoin­ted by the ESEB Pres­id­ent from among the ESEB Coun­cil. The chair will appoint the oth­er mem­bers from the mem­ber­ship. The mem­bers of the Elec­tion Com­mit­tee will be appoin­ted for a peri­od of two years and will be eli­gible for reappoint­ment without restric­tions.

The Elec­tion Com­mit­tee is entrus­ted with organ­ising and super­vising the elec­tion of the Pres­id­ent, the Vice-Pres­id­ent, the Exec­ut­ive Vice-Pres­id­ent and the Sec­ret­ary of ESEB.
The Elec­tion Com­mit­tee will also organ­ise the elec­tion of a Dis­tin­guished Fel­low.

Election procedure

In even years, the ESEB mem­ber­ship will receive a call ask­ing for sug­ges­tions of can­did­ates for the next Pres­id­ent and Vice-Pres­id­ent. Every mem­ber is eli­gible to for­ward nom­in­a­tions or self-nom­in­a­tion to the Elec­tion Committee.

The Elec­tion Com­mit­tee will draw up a list of two can­did­ates each for the appoint­ment of the Pres­id­ent and the Vice-Pres­id­ent. The com­mit­tee will expli­citly con­sider the can­did­ates’ a) sci­entif­ic repu­ta­tion, b) con­tri­bu­tions to ESEB and c) suit­ab­il­ity as role mod­els for the community.

On recom­mend­a­tion by the Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee, the Elec­tion Com­mit­tee will also pre­pare a nom­in­a­tion list for the Sec­ret­ary or the Exec­ut­ive-Vice President.

The Elec­tion Com­mit­tee will organ­ise the elec­tion in the event of a recom­mend­a­tion for the appoint­ment of a Dis­tin­guished Fellow.

The names of the can­did­ates will be for­war­ded to the Steer­ing Com­mit­tee for approval.

All can­did­ates will need to sign up to the ESEB Code of Eth­ics.

The ESEB elec­tions will be held in spring of uneven years. The ESEB mem­ber­ship will receive an announce­ment that elec­tions are upcom­ing and sub­sequently, the bal­lot and short bio­graph­ies of the can­did­ates. The newly elec­ted officers and dis­tin­guished fel­lows will be announced at the next gen­er­al meet­ing and by email to the membership.