The Society has an Election Committee comprising three members. The chair of the Election Committee will be appointed by the ESEB President from among the ESEB Council. The chair will appoint the other members from the membership. The members of the Election Committee will be appointed for a period of two years and will be eligible for reappointment without restrictions.
The Election Committee is entrusted with organising and supervising the election of the President, the Vice-President, the Executive Vice-President and the Secretary of ESEB.
The Election Committee will also organise the election of a Distinguished Fellow.
Election procedure
In even years, the ESEB membership will receive a call asking for suggestions of candidates for the next President and Vice-President. Every member is eligible to forward nominations or self-nomination to the Election Committee.
The Election Committee will draw up a list of two candidates each for the appointment of the President and the Vice-President. The committee will explicitly consider the candidates’ a) scientific reputation, b) contributions to ESEB and c) suitability as role models for the community.
On recommendation by the Executive Committee, the Election Committee will also prepare a nomination list for the Secretary or the Executive-Vice President.
The Election Committee will organise the election in the event of a recommendation for the appointment of a Distinguished Fellow.
The names of the candidates will be forwarded to the Steering Committee for approval.
All candidates will need to sign up to the ESEB Code of Ethics.
The ESEB elections will be held in spring of uneven years. The ESEB membership will receive an announcement that elections are upcoming and subsequently, the ballot and short biographies of the candidates. The newly elected officers and distinguished fellows will be announced at the next general meeting and by email to the membership.