Join the ESEB Council

We are now wel­com­ing volun­teers to join the ESEB coun­cil in August 2025.

Every two years, half of the coun­cil mem­bers rotate off and new coun­cil mem­bers are appoin­ted. Coun­cil mem­bers should rep­res­ent the geo­graph­ic diversity of the soci­ety and thus, a max­im­um of two per­sons for each coun­try rep­res­en­ted can be present in the ESEB Coun­cil at any one time.

Coun­cil mem­bers are appoin­ted on a four-year term and the next cohort will start office at the ESEB Coun­cil meet­ing in August 2025. Fur­ther details about the applic­a­tion pro­cess and duties / tasks of the ESEB coun­cil are avail­able at

Dead­line: Monday, 6th Janu­ary, 2025