Journal of Evolutionary Biology

The Journ­al of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (JEB) is a peer-reviewed, inter­na­tion­al journ­al estab­lished in 1987 and owned by the European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy. We pub­lish in part­ner­ship with Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press, a not-for-profit organ­isa­tion. Funds raised by pub­lish­ing in JEB help to sup­port ESEB ini­ti­at­ives, includ­ing con­fer­ences, stu­dent grants, research net­works, travel awards and more.

At JEB, we seek to pub­lish art­icles that advance our under­stand­ing of the evol­u­tion­ary pro­cess and are of interest to a broad evol­u­tion­ary read­er­ship. As such, we will pri­or­it­ise robust and well-executed stud­ies that ask nov­el ques­tions and/or provide new insights, gen­er­al­is­able across taxo­nom­ic groups. We are happy to pub­lish neg­at­ive res­ults as long as these provide robust new find­ings, but will not nor­mally pub­lish stud­ies that rep­lic­ate pre­vi­ous res­ults in the same or dif­fer­ent taxa (unless doing so provides genu­inely nov­el insights). We con­sider sub­mis­sions describ­ing research from across the field of evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy, includ­ing evol­u­tion­ary genet­ics and gen­om­ics, molecu­lar evol­u­tion and phylo­gen­et­ics, life his­tor­ies, evol­u­tion­ary eco­logy, devel­op­ment or mor­pho­logy. We cov­er both micro- and macro-evol­u­tion, as well as empir­ic­al, com­pu­ta­tion­al and the­or­et­ic­al work.

The mul­tidiscip­lin­ary role of the journ­al and its inter­na­tion­al focus is reflec­ted in our Edit­or­i­al Board. Our Spe­cial Issues, guest edited by field experts, bring togeth­er con­tem­por­ary research with the same “bot­tom-up” approach that char­ac­ter­ises ESEB con­gresses – a defin­ing fea­ture of our soci­ety and our journ­al is that the sci­ence should be driv­en by the evol­u­tion community.

We are cur­rently a hybrid journ­al offer­ing both sub­scrip­tion-based and Open Access pub­lic­a­tion. ESEB mem­bers receive a 30% dis­count on Open Access pub­lish­ing. Mem­ber­ship of the European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy includes on-line sub­scrip­tion to the journ­al (to become a mem­ber vis­it our mem­ber­ship page).

Manu­scripts can be sub­mit­ted online at We look for­ward to receiv­ing your paper!

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

Max Reu­ter, Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don, UK

Managing Editor

Nic­ola Cook, Uni­ver­sity of St Andrews, UK

Commissioning Editor

Luke Hol­man, Edin­burgh Napi­er Uni­ver­sity, UK

Data Editor

Sebasti­an Lequime, Uni­ver­sity of Gronin­gen, NL

Handling Editors

Rebekah Rogers, Uni­ver­sity of North Car­o­lina, Char­lotte, US
Xiang-Yi Li Richter, Uni­ver­sity of Neuchâtel, CH
Ale­jandro Gonza­lez-Voy­er, Uni­ver­sid­ad Nacion­al Autónoma de México (UNAM), MX
John Hunt, Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Sydney, AU

Associate Editors

Diala Abu Awad, Uni­versité Par­is-Saclay, FR
Frédéric Aus­terl­itz, Uni­versité Par­is Cité (CNRS), FR
Neda Bar­ghi, Uni­ver­sity of Veter­in­ary Medi­cine Vienna, AT
Trine Bilde, Aar­hus Uni­ver­sity, DK
Josefa Bleu, Uni­ver­sity of Stras­bourg, FR
Loreta Brandao De Freitas, Fed­er­al Uni­ver­sity of Rio Grande do Sul, BR
Ignacio Bravo, CNRS (Mont­pel­li­er), FR
Pau Carazo, Uni­versit­at de Valen­cia, ES
Chris­toph­er Cooney, Uni­ver­sity of Shef­field, UK
Sal­vatore Cozzo­lino, Uni­ver­sity of Naples, IT
Mitch Cruz­an, Port­land State Uni­ver­sity, US
Car­melo Fru­ciano, CNR-IRBIM (Mess­ina), IT
Juan Diego Gait­an-Espi­tia, Uni­ver­sity of Hong Kong, CN
Jenna Gal­lie, Max Planck Insti­tute for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy, DE
Bengt Hans­son, Lund Uni­ver­sity, SE
Kavita Jain, Jawa­harlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Sci­entif­ic Research, IN
Imroze Khan, Ashoka Uni­ver­sity, IN
Jun Kit­ano, Nation­al Insitute of Genet­ics, JP
Car­olin Kosi­ol, Uni­ver­sity of St Andrews, UK
Erica Lar­son, Uni­ver­sity of Den­ver, US
Arnaud Le Rou­z­ic, Uni­versité Par­is-Saclay, FR
Carita Lindstedt-Karek­sela, Uni­ver­sity of Hel­sinki, FI
Wen-Juan Ma, Vrije Uni­versiteit Brus­sel, BE
Steph­en Mont­gomery, Uni­ver­sity of Bris­tol, UK
Charles Mul­lon, Uni­ver­sity of Lausanne, CH
Nic­ola Nadeau, Uni­ver­sity of Shef­field, UK
Clarisse Palma da Silva, State Uni­ver­sity of Camp­i­nas, BR
Alex­an­der Papadop­u­los, Uni­ver­sity of Bangor, UK
Dar­ren Park­er, Uni­ver­sity of Bangor, UK
Nat­alie Pil­akouta, Uni­ver­sity of St Andrews, UK
Mark Rav­inet, Uni­ver­sity of Oslo, NO
Melis­sah Rowe, Neth­er­lands Insti­tute of Eco­logy, NL
Yuval Sapir, Tel Aviv Uni­ver­sity, IL
Masahito Tsuboi, Lund Uni­ver­sity, SE
Craig Walling, Uni­ver­sity of Edin­burgh, UK
Qi Zhou, Zheji­ang Uni­ver­sity, CN