Conference Travel Award

These sti­pends are for stu­dents and young sci­ent­ists who are pro­fes­sion­ally based in coun­tries with a low GDP to attend the 30th European Meet­ing of PhD Stu­dents in Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (EMPSEB) in Cze­ch­ia, the ESEB con­gress in Bar­celona, Spain, or the Evol­u­tion 2025 meet­ing in Athens, Geor­gia, USA. The sti­pend will con­trib­ute to cov­er­ing travel, liv­ing expenses, and the early bird con­gress regis­tra­tion fee (for EMPSEB or Evol­u­tion 2025). The funds will be paid out as a reim­burse­ment after the con­gress, based on spe­cific­a­tion of the expenses. Note that the regis­tra­tion fee for the ESEB2025 con­gress will be waived by the organ­isers and thus does not need to be included in the budget.

Please note that this Con­fer­ence Travel Award is dis­tinct from the Con­gress Attend­ance Aid Grant, which is designed to pro­mote the attend­ance of under-rep­res­en­ted groups and to help with the addi­tion­al costs of meet­ing attend­ance due to respons­ib­il­it­ies for caring for depend­ents when attend­ing the meet­ings and NOT for the costs of the applic­ant to attend the meeting.

DEADLINE: 30 Janu­ary 2025 exten­ded to 10 Feb­ru­ary 2025 


  • Applic­ants must be ESEB mem­bers before the dead­line (for becom­ing an ESEB mem­ber, please vis­it
  • Applic­a­tions can be sub­mit­ted by sci­ent­ists at vari­ous stages of their pro­fes­sion­al career (e.g., Mas­ters and PhD stu­dents, postdocs, and lecturers).
  • Sci­ent­ists work­ing in a coun­try with high GDP are not eli­gible (for the list of excluded coun­tries see below).
  • People who received an ESEB travel sti­pend in the last five years are not eligible.
  • Applic­ants must apply to present either an oral com­mu­nic­a­tion or a poster to be eli­gible for the sti­pend. Present­a­tion of a talk or a poster will be veri­fied before the reim­burse­ment, but no proof that a poster or talk is accep­ted is neces­sary at the applic­a­tion stage. How­ever, please note that being chosen for a travel award does not guar­an­tee accept­ance of a poster or talk at the conference.

Please note that
these sti­pends are giv­en in con­junc­tion with ana­log­ous sti­pends offered by the
Soci­ety for the Study of Evol­u­tion (sep­ar­ate call) to sup­port par­ti­cip­a­tion at
the ESEB2025 con­gress or Evol­u­tion meet­ing 2025, so there is no need to apply to both the ESEB and the SSE awards.

How to apply:

Send your applic­a­tion by email to the ESEB Office (; ; sub­ject: Con­fer­ence Travel Award 2025).

The applic­a­tion should be no more than 2 pages long and include:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • ESEB mem­ber­ship number;
  • Budget (cur­rency = EUR), includ­ing sources of addi­tion­al support;
  • An explan­a­tion of how attend­ance to the meet­ing will sup­port the attendant’s pro­fes­sion­al goals;
  • and a short CV.

Please sub­mit the applic­a­tion as a single PDF-file.
A sup­port let­ter from the applic­ant advisor/mentor/senior col­league is also required. Sup­port let­ters should be sent to the same email address ( by the applicant’s ment­or by the dead­line.

Mem­bers pro­fes­sion­ally based in the fol­low­ing coun­tries are NOT eli­gible for the travel sti­pend: Amer­ic­an Sam­oa, Andorra, Anti­gua and Bar­buda, Aruba, Aus­tralia, Aus­tria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bar­ba­dos, Bel­gi­um, Ber­muda, Brit­ish Vir­gin Islands, Brunei Darus­salam, Canada, Cay­man Islands, Chan­nel Islands, Chile, Croa­tia, Cur­a­cao, Cyprus, Czech Repub­lic, Den­mark, Esto­nia, Faroe Islands, Fin­land, France, French Poly­ne­sia, Ger­many, Gibral­tar, Greece, Green­land, Guam, Guyana, Hong Kong, Hun­gary, Ice­land, Ire­land, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea Rep., Kuwait, Latvia, Liecht­en­stein, Lithuania, Lux­em­bourg, Macao, Malta, Monaco, Nauru, Neth­er­lands, New Cale­do­nia, New Zea­l­and, North­ern Mari­ana Islands, Nor­way, Oman, Panama, Poland, Por­tugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Ara­bia, Seychelles, Singa­pore, Slov­akia, Slov­e­nia, Spain, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Mar­tin (Dutch and French part), Sweden, Switzer­land, Trin­id­ad and Tobago, Turks and Cai­cos Islands, United Arab Emir­ates, United King­dom, United States of Amer­ica, Uruguay, Vir­gin Islands (US).