Joint Congress Travel Award

These sti­pends are for Mas­ters stu­dents, PhD stu­dents, and Postdocs who are pro­fes­sion­ally based in Europe to attend the 3rd Joint Con­gress on Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy of ASN/ESEB/SSB/SSE in Montreal, Canada on July 26–30, 2024.

Suc­cess­ful applic­ants will be chosen by lot­tery and receive a sti­pend of 750 Euros, which can be used to cov­er travel, lodging, or early bird con­fer­ence regis­tra­tion fees. The funds will be paid out as a reim­burse­ment after the con­gress. All applic­ants will be noti­fied by the begin­ning of March 2024 (i.e. ahead of the early bird regis­tra­tion dead­line of May 1, 2024).

Please note that this is dis­tinct from the Con­fer­ence Travel Award, which is for stu­dents and young sci­ent­ists who are pro­fes­sion­ally based in coun­tries with a low GDP, and from the Con­gress Attend­ance Aid Grant, which is designed to pro­mote the attend­ance of under-rep­res­en­ted groups and to help with the addi­tion­al costs of meet­ing attend­ance due to respons­ib­il­it­ies for caring for depend­ents when attend­ing the meet­ing and NOT for the costs of the applic­ant to attend the meeting.

DEADLINE: Janu­ary 31st, 2024


  • Applic­ants must be ESEB mem­bers before the dead­line (for becom­ing an ESEB mem­ber, please vis­it
  • Applic­a­tions can be sub­mit­ted by Mas­ters stu­dents, PhD stu­dents, or Postdocs who are pro­fes­sion­ally based in Europe
  • People who received an ESEB travel sti­pend in the last five years are not eligible.
  • Applic­ants must apply to present either an oral com­mu­nic­a­tion or a poster to be eli­gible for the sti­pend. Present­a­tion of a talk or a poster will be veri­fied before the reim­burse­ment, but no proof that a poster or talk is accep­ted is neces­sary at the applic­a­tion stage. How­ever, please note that being chosen for a travel award does not guar­an­tee accept­ance of a poster or talk at the conference.