Next Council elections
We are now welcoming volunteers to join the ESEB council in August 2025.
The ESEB council consists of the ESEB officers (steering committee) and around 20 council members. Every two years, half of the council members rotate off and new council members are appointed. Council members should represent the geographic diversity of the society and thus, a maximum of two persons for each country represented can be present in the ESEB Council at any one time.
Council members are appointed on a four-year term and the next cohort will start office at the ESEB Council meeting in August 2025. Further details about the duties and tasks of the ESEB council are available in the Constitution of the Society.
Applications can be submitted by scientists from postdoc level onwards. Applications should include the full name and affiliation of the candidate as well as a 1‑page motivation letter. Candidates must be members of ESEB at the date of this call’s deadline.
Please send the application as a single pdf file to Ute Friedrich, Applications should arrive no later than Monday, 6th January 2025.
The ESEB Council will appoint around ten new council members and inform all candidates regarding the outcome of their application in March 2025. ESEB strongly commits to diversity and equality principles, which will be taken into account in the final selection.
Council members 2025–2029
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Neetika Ahlawat, IIT Bombay, IN
Luisa Diele-Viegas, University of Mississippi, US
Rui Faria, CIBIO & University of Porto, PT
Ewan D. Harney, University of Sheffield, UK
Steven Ramm, University of Rennes, FR
Yupal Sapir, Tel-Aviv University, IL
Martijn Schenkel, University of Groningen/University of Mainz, NL/DE
Council members 2023–2027
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Trine Bilde, Aarhus University, DK
Hannah Dugdale, University of Groningen, NL
Inês Fragata, University of Lisbon, PT
Andy Gardner, University of St Andrews, UK
Ronan O’Sullivan, University of Helsinki, FI
Inon Scharf, Tel Aviv University, IL
Efe Sezgin, İzmir İnstitute of Technology, TR
Mrinalini Walter, National University of Singapore, SG
Council members 2021–2025
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Deepa Agashe, NCBS, IN
Jon Bridle, University College London, UK
Florence Débarre, iEES-Paris, FR
Josefa González, Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), ES (until Aug 2023, then Vice-President)
Isabel Gordo, Gulbenkian Institute, PT
Yannis Michalakis, IRD CNRS, FR
Amanda Moehring, Western University, CA
John Pannell, University of Lausanne, CH
Craig Primmer, University of Helsinki, FI
Jane Reid, NTNU, NO
Carla Sgro, Monash University, AU
Council members 2019–2023
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Troy Day, Queen’s University, CA
Michael Jennions, Australian National University, AU
Catherine Peichel, University of Bern, CH
Rhonda R. Snook, Stockholm University, SE
Mehmet Somel, Middle East Technical University, TR
Biljana Stojković, University of Belgrade, RS
Aurelien Tellier, Technical University of Munich, DE
Hildegard Uecker, MPI Evolutionary Biology, DE
Beatriz Vicoso, Institute of Science and Technology, AT
Franjo Weissing, University of Groningen, NL
Council members 2017–2021
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Anne Charmantier, CEFE, CNRS, FR
Josefa González, Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), ES
Kayla King, University of Oxford, UK
Lukas Kratochvil, Charles University, CZ (until Aug 2019, then Congress Organiser)
Constatino Macias Garcia, UNAM, MX
Yannis Michalakis, CNRS, FR
Michael Møller-Hansen, University of Aarhus, DK
Tanja Schwander, University of Lausanne, CH
Elio Sucena, Gulbekian Institute, PT
Karine Van Doninck, University of Namur, BE
Council members 2015–2019
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Frida Ben-Ami, University of Tel Aviv, IL
Steven Chenoweth, University of Queensland, AU
Ellen Decaestecker, KU Leuven, BE
Juliette De Meaux, University of Cologne, DE
Santiago Elena, University of Valencia, ES
Simone Immler, University of East Anglia, UK
Sara Magalhães, University of Lisbon, PT
Johanna Mappes, University of Jyväskylä, FI
Lukas Schärer, University of Basel, CH
Anna-Liisa Laine, University of Helsinki, FI (until 2017, then Vice-President)
Council members 2013–2017
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Leonardo Bacigalupe, Universidad Austral de Chile, CL
Wolf Blanckenhorn, University of Zürich, CH
Russell Bonduriansky, University of New South Wales, AU
Armando Caballero , Universidad de Vigo, ES
Kelly Dyer, University of Georgia, US
Astrid Groot, University of Amsterdam, NL
Thomas Hansen, University of Oslo, NO
Joachim Hermisson, University of Vienna, AT
Judith Mank, University College London, UK
Council members 2011–2015
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Patricia Beldade, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, PT
Santiago Elena, University of Valencia, ES
Jacob Höglund, University of Uppsala, SE
Hanna Kokko, University of Zurich, CH
Sara Magalhães, University of Lisbon, PT
Johanna Mappes, University of Jyväskylä, FI
Nico Michiels, University of Tübingen, DE
Sally Otto, University of British Columbia, CA
Jes Pedersen, University of Copenhagen, DK
Thierry Rigaud, University of Burgundy, FR
Christian Schlötterer, Veterinary University of Vienna, AT
Erik Svensson, University of Lund, SE
Branka Tucic, University of Belgrade, ES
Council members 2009–2013
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Steven Chenoweth, University of Queensland, AU
Ellen Decaestecker, KU Leuven, BE
Martijn Egas, University of Amsterdam, NL
Hopi Hoekstra, Harvard University, US
Nicolas Perrin, University of Lausanne, CH
Max Reuter, University College London, UK
Hinrich Schulenburg, Christian-Albrechts-University, DE
Nina Wedell, University of Exeter, UK
Bas J. Zwaan, Wageningen University, NL
Council members 2007–2011
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Jacek Radwan, Jagiellonian University, PL
Mariusz Cichon, Jagiellonian University, PL
Kate Lessells, NIOO, NL
Jukka Jokela, Eawag & ETH Zürich, CH
Ophélie Ronce, University Montpelllier II, FR
Isabel Gordo, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, PT
Bernt-Erik Saether, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO
Mauro Santos, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ES
Niclas Kolm, Uppsala University, SE
Council members 2005–2009
Institutions listed at the time of the councillor’s term
Spencer Barrett, University of Toronto, CA
Joel Cuguen, UMR CNRS, FR
Martin Cerny, Charles University Prague, CZ
Christopher Eckert, Queen’s University, CA
Jacintha Ellers, University Amsterdam, NL
Carlos Herrera, Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC), ES
Mark Kirkpatrick, University of Texas, US
Johanna Mappes, University of Jyväskylä, FI
Katri Karkkainen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, FI
Yannis Michalakis, CNRS-IRD Montpellier, FR
Nico Michiels, University of Münster, DE
Soren Nylin, University of Stockholm, SE
Jes S. Pedersen, University of Copenhagen, DK
Dustin Penn, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, AT
Ben Sheldon, University of Oxford UK
Tom Tregenza, University of Exeter, UK
Lawrence Weider, University of Oklahoma, US
Alexander Widmer, ETH Zürich, CH