
Next Council elections

We are now wel­com­ing volun­teers to join the ESEB coun­cil in August 2025.

The ESEB coun­cil con­sists of the ESEB officers (steer­ing com­mit­tee) and around 20 coun­cil mem­bers. Every two years, half of the coun­cil mem­bers rotate off and new coun­cil mem­bers are appoin­ted. Coun­cil mem­bers should rep­res­ent the geo­graph­ic diversity of the soci­ety and thus, a max­im­um of two per­sons for each coun­try rep­res­en­ted can be present in the ESEB Coun­cil at any one time. 

Coun­cil mem­bers are appoin­ted on a four-year term and the next cohort will start office at the ESEB Coun­cil meet­ing in August 2025. Fur­ther details about the duties and tasks of the ESEB coun­cil are avail­able in the Con­sti­tu­tion of the Society.

Applic­a­tions can be sub­mit­ted by sci­ent­ists from postdoc level onwards. Applic­a­tions should include the full name and affil­i­ation of the can­did­ate as well as a 1‑page motiv­a­tion let­ter. Can­did­ates must be mem­bers of ESEB at the date of this call’s deadline.

Please send the applic­a­tion as a single pdf file to Ute Friedrich, Applic­a­tions should arrive no later than Monday, 6th Janu­ary 2025.

The ESEB Coun­cil will appoint around ten new coun­cil mem­bers and inform all can­did­ates regard­ing the out­come of their applic­a­tion in March 2025. ESEB strongly com­mits to diversity and equal­ity prin­ciples, which will be taken into account in the final selection.

Council members 2025–2029

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Neetika Ahlawat, IIT Bom­bay, IN
Luisa Diele-Vie­gas, Uni­ver­sity of Mis­sis­sippi, US
Rui Faria, CIBIO & Uni­ver­sity of Porto, PT
Ewan D. Har­ney, Uni­ver­sity of Shef­field, UK
Steven Ramm, Uni­ver­sity of Rennes, FR
Yupal Sapir, Tel-Aviv Uni­ver­sity, IL
Mar­tijn Schen­kel, Uni­ver­sity of Groningen/University of Mainz, NL/DE

Council members 2023–2027

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Trine Bilde, Aar­hus Uni­ver­sity, DK
Han­nah Dug­dale, Uni­ver­sity of Gronin­gen, NL
Inês Frag­ata, Uni­ver­sity of Lis­bon, PT
Andy Gard­ner, Uni­ver­sity of St Andrews, UK
Ron­an O’Sul­li­van, Uni­ver­sity of Hel­sinki, FI
Inon Scharf, Tel Aviv Uni­ver­sity, IL
Efe Sez­gin, İzmir İns­tit­ute of Tech­no­logy, TR
Mrin­a­lini Wal­ter, Nation­al Uni­ver­sity of Singa­pore, SG

Council members 2021–2025

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Deepa Agashe, NCBS, IN
Jon Bridle, Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don, UK
Florence Débarre, iEES-Par­is, FR
Josefa González, Insti­tute of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (CSIC-UPF), ES (until Aug 2023, then Vice-Pres­id­ent)
Isa­bel Gordo, Gul­ben­ki­an Insti­tute, PT
Yan­nis Michala­kis, IRD CNRS, FR
Aman­da Moehring, West­ern Uni­ver­sity, CA
John Pan­nell, Uni­ver­sity of Lausanne, CH
Craig Prim­mer, Uni­ver­sity of Hel­sinki, FI
Jane Reid, NTNU, NO
Carla Sgro, Mon­ash Uni­ver­sity, AU

Council members 2019–2023

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Troy Day, Queen’s Uni­ver­sity, CA
Michael Jen­nions, Aus­trali­an Nation­al Uni­ver­sity, AU
Cath­er­ine Peichel, Uni­ver­sity of Bern, CH
Rhonda R. Snook, Stock­holm Uni­ver­sity, SE
Mehmet Somel, Middle East Tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity, TR
Bil­jana Sto­jković, Uni­ver­sity of Bel­grade, RS
Aure­li­en Tel­li­er, Tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity of Munich, DE
Hilde­gard Ueck­er, MPI Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy, DE
Beat­riz Vicoso, Insti­tute of Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy, AT
Franjo Weiss­ing, Uni­ver­sity of Gronin­gen, NL

Council members 2017–2021

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Anne Char­manti­er, CEFE, CNRS, FR
Josefa González, Insti­tute of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (CSIC-UPF), ES
Kay­la King, Uni­ver­sity of Oxford, UK
Lukas Kra­tochvil, Charles Uni­ver­sity, CZ  (until Aug 2019, then Con­gress Organ­iser)
Con­statino Macias Gar­cia, UNAM, MX
Yan­nis Michala­kis, CNRS, FR
Michael Møller-Hansen, Uni­ver­sity of Aar­hus, DK
Tanja Schwander, Uni­ver­sity of Lausanne, CH
Elio Sucena, Gul­beki­an Insti­tute, PT
Karine Van Doninck, Uni­ver­sity of Namur, BE

Council members 2015–2019

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Frida Ben-Ami, Uni­ver­sity of Tel Aviv, IL
Steven Chenoweth, Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land, AU
Ellen Decaesteck­er, KU Leuven, BE
Juli­ette De Meaux, Uni­ver­sity of Cologne, DE
San­ti­ago Elena, Uni­ver­sity of Valen­cia, ES
Simone Immler, Uni­ver­sity of East Anglia, UK
Sara Magal­hães, Uni­ver­sity of Lis­bon, PT
Johanna Mappes, Uni­ver­sity of Jyväs­ky­lä, FI
Lukas Schärer, Uni­ver­sity of Basel, CH
Anna-Liisa Laine, Uni­ver­sity of Hel­sinki, FI (until 2017, then Vice-Pres­id­ent)

Council members 2013–2017

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Leonardo Baci­ga­lupe, Uni­ver­sid­ad Aus­tral de Chile, CL
Wolf Blanck­en­horn, Uni­ver­sity of Zürich, CH
Rus­sell Bon­duri­ansky, Uni­ver­sity of New South Wales, AU
Armando Caballero , Uni­ver­sid­ad de Vigo, ES
Kelly Dyer, Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia, US
Astrid Groot, Uni­ver­sity of Ams­ter­dam, NL
Thomas Hansen, Uni­ver­sity of Oslo, NO
Joachim Her­mis­son, Uni­ver­sity of Vienna, AT
Judith Mank, Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don, UK
Kar­en D. McCoy, MIVEGEC, CNRS, FR

Council members 2011–2015

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Patri­cia Beldade, Insti­tuto Gul­ben­ki­an de Ciên­cia, PT
San­ti­ago Elena, Uni­ver­sity of Valen­cia, ES
Jac­ob Höglund, Uni­ver­sity of Uppsala, SE
Hanna Kokko, Uni­ver­sity of Zurich, CH
Sara Magal­hães, Uni­ver­sity of Lis­bon, PT
Johanna Mappes, Uni­ver­sity of Jyväs­ky­lä, FI
Nico Michiels, Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen, DE
Sally Otto, Uni­ver­sity of Brit­ish Columbia, CA
Jes Ped­er­sen, Uni­ver­sity of Copen­ha­gen, DK
Thi­erry Rigaud, Uni­ver­sity of Bur­gundy, FR
Chris­ti­an Schlöt­ter­er, Veter­in­ary Uni­ver­sity of Vienna, AT
Erik Svens­son, Uni­ver­sity of Lund, SE
Branka Tucic, Uni­ver­sity of Bel­grade, ES

Council members 2009–2013

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Steven Chenoweth, Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land, AU
Ellen Decaesteck­er, KU Leuven, BE
Mar­tijn Egas, Uni­ver­sity of Ams­ter­dam, NL
Hopi Hoek­stra, Har­vard Uni­ver­sity, US
Nic­olas Per­rin, Uni­ver­sity of Lausanne, CH
Max Reu­ter, Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don, UK
Hin­rich Schu­lenburg, Chris­ti­an-Albrechts-Uni­ver­sity, DE
Nina Wedell, Uni­ver­sity of Exeter, UK
Bas J. Zwaan, Wagen­in­gen Uni­ver­sity, NL

Council members 2007–2011

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Jacek Rad­wan, Jagi­el­lo­ni­an Uni­ver­sity, PL
Mari­usz Cichon, Jagi­el­lo­ni­an Uni­ver­sity, PL
Kate Lessells, NIOO, NL
Jukka Jokela, Eawag & ETH Zürich, CH
Ophélie Ronce, Uni­ver­sity Mont­pell­li­er II, FR
Isa­bel Gordo, Insti­tuto Gul­ben­ki­an de Ciên­cia, PT
Bernt-Erik Saether, Nor­we­gi­an Uni­ver­sity of Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy, NO
Mauro San­tos, Uni­versit­at Autònoma de Bar­celona, ES
Niclas Kolm, Uppsala Uni­ver­sity, SE

Council members 2005–2009

Insti­tu­tions lis­ted at the time of the coun­cil­lor’s term

Spen­cer Bar­rett, Uni­ver­sity of Toronto, CA
Joel Cuguen, UMR CNRS, FR
Mar­tin Cerny, Charles Uni­ver­sity Prague, CZ
Chris­toph­er Eck­ert, Queen’s Uni­ver­sity, CA
Jacintha Ellers, Uni­ver­sity Ams­ter­dam, NL
Car­los Her­rera, Esta­ción Bio­ló­gica de Doñana (CSIC), ES
Mark Kirk­patrick, Uni­ver­sity of Texas, US
Johanna Mappes, Uni­ver­sity of Jyväs­ky­lä, FI
Katri Karkkain­en, Finnish Forest Research Insti­tute, FI
Yan­nis Michala­kis, CNRS-IRD Mont­pel­li­er, FR
Nico Michiels, Uni­ver­sity of Mün­ster, DE
Soren Nylin, Uni­ver­sity of Stock­holm, SE
Jes S. Ped­er­sen, Uni­ver­sity of Copen­ha­gen, DK
Dustin Penn, Uni­ver­sity of Veter­in­ary Medi­cine Vienna, AT
Ben Shel­don, Uni­ver­sity of Oxford UK
Tom Tre­genza, Uni­ver­sity of Exeter, UK
Lawrence Weider, Uni­ver­sity of Oklahoma, US
Alex­an­der Wid­mer, ETH Zürich, CH