ESEB Membership

Mem­bers (reg­u­lar and life-time) of the European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (ESEB) pay reduced fees at ESEB con­gresses, get dis­counts for the Open Access pub­lic­a­tion rate in Journ­al of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy and the art­icle pub­lic­a­tion charges for Evol­u­tion Let­ters. More about APC discounts …

Mem­bers can apply to Con­fer­ence travel awards to sup­port par­ti­cip­a­tion of research­ers from eco­nom­ic­ally dis­ad­vant­aged coun­tries at ESEB con­gresses, European Meet­ing of PhD Stu­dents in Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (EMPSEB), and the Evol­u­tion con­fer­ences of SSE/ASN/SSB. ESEB fur­ther offers Con­gress Attend­ance Aid Grants aim­ing to increase diversity at ESEB con­gresses and EMPSEB.

The Soci­ety sup­ports young research­ers, e.g., by spon­sor­ing the annu­al EMPSEB meet­ing of PhD stu­dents in evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy, by sup­port­ing lab vis­its and field trips, and by award­ing the John Maynard Smith Prize to out­stand­ing young evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gists. It also sup­ports out­reach ini­ti­at­ives aim­ing at pop­ular­iz­ing evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy to gen­er­al pub­lic and coun­ter­ing cre­ation­ism, espe­cially in non-Eng­lish-speak­ing coun­tries. Moreover, ESEB offers Equal Oppor­tun­it­ies Ini­ti­at­ive funds aim­ing to improve equal oppor­tun­it­ies in evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy and awards to high­light the achieve­ments of under-rep­res­en­ted early-career research­ers.

By join­ing the soci­ety, you can sup­port all of these initiatives!

Membership Types & Dues

ESEB Mem­ber­ship sub­scrip­tions run with the cal­en­dar year. Pay­ment is due Janu­ary 1. The mem­ber­ship lapses if the pay­ment is not received with­in 30 days of dis­patch of the remind­er let­ter, sent in December/January. Mem­ber­ship fees are not refund­able. Ter­min­a­tion of mem­ber­ship has to be giv­en one month before the end of the year by email to the ESEB Office at

Cur­rently, ESEB offers only 2‑year mem­ber­ships. Details of the terms of use con­cern­ing the ESEB mem­ber­ship are out­lined in the ESEB Con­sti­tu­tion and the ESEB Bylaws.

Membership Fees 2025–2026

Reg­u­lar Membership€80 incl. VAT
Stu­dent Membership*€40 incl. VAT
Life­time Membership**€800 incl. VAT

* For stu­dent mem­bers, a let­ter from the super­visor or depart­ment head con­firm­ing the stu­dent status or anoth­er proof of stu­dent status must be uploaded dur­ing the regis­tra­tion pro­cess. Stu­dent mem­ber­ship is lim­ited to a max­im­um of four years.

** Life­time mem­ber­ship includes per­son­al online access to the Journ­al of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy. ESEB mem­bers who have sub­scribed for ten years pri­or to pur­chas­ing a life­time mem­ber­ship are eli­gible for a 30% dis­count on the full price of the life­time mem­ber­ship option. Please con­tact Dr. Friedrich at before you sign up or renew your membership.

Use this link if you are

  • join­ing ESEB for the first time or
  • join­ing ESEB after your mem­ber­ship lapsed

Use this link if you are

  • renew­ing an exist­ing ESEB mem­ber­ship subscription.
  • access­ing your mem­ber­ship account at MyESEB to update your per­son­al details or to check your mem­ber­ship status.

Please note that the ESEB mem­ber­ships are offered as per­son­al mem­ber­ship sub­scrip­tions. Your billing address might be your private or insti­tu­tion­al address, but we can­not invoice insti­tu­tions and it is not pos­sible to change the address on the sub­scrip­tion receipt. In case you are not able to pay online, please con­tact Ute Friedrich at

Discounted Memberships

Res­id­ents of low and lower-middle eco­nomy coun­tries (as giv­en at the World Bank data blog web­site–2025) are eli­gible for a 100% dis­count on the reg­u­lar and stu­dent mem­ber­ship fees. The place of res­id­ence is the place where a per­son is based pro­fes­sion­ally. Dis­coun­ted mem­ber­ships can be renewed after two years if a proof of res­id­ence has been provided by the mem­ber one month before the sub­scrip­tion ends. Examples to proof your res­id­ence, are e.g., a short con­firm­a­tion of your affil­i­ation by the department/instiution/supervisor.

Res­id­ents of upper-middle eco­nomy coun­tries (as lis­ted at the World Bank web­site–2025) are eli­gible for a 50% dis­count on the reg­u­lar and stu­dent mem­ber­ship fees. The coun­try of res­id­ence is the coun­try where a per­son is based pro­fes­sion­ally. Dis­coun­ted mem­ber­ships can be renewed after two years if a proof of res­id­ence has been provided by the mem­ber one month before the sub­scrip­tion ends. Examples to proof your res­id­ence are, e.g., e.g., a short con­firm­a­tion of your affil­i­ation by the department/instiution/supervisor.

If you are eli­gible for a dis­coun­ted mem­ber­ship, please con­tact Dr. Friedrich at and provide first name, sur­name, private and/or insti­tu­tion­al address, email address, and coun­try of your pro­fes­sion­al res­id­ence. If you would like to sign up for a 50% dis­coun­ted stu­dent mem­ber­ship, please also send a proof of your stu­dent status (e.g., copy of the stu­dent ID card, con­firm­a­tion of the insti­tu­tion or your supervisor).

We will set-up your dis­coun­ted mem­ber­ship with­in few work­ing days.

In case you have addi­tion­al ques­tions, or exper­i­ence any issues, please con­tact:
Dr. Friedrich | Email: | Phone: +49 160 5243050