Call – EUEA Award 2025

ESEB now accepts nom­in­a­tions for the ESEB Under-rep­res­en­ted ECR Achieve­ment (EUEA) award.

This ESEB award aims to high­light achieve­ments of under-rep­res­en­ted early-career research­ers (ECRs) who have faced dif­fi­cult cir­cum­stances while con­duct­ing their work. The award is open to PhD stu­dents, postdoc­tor­al sci­ent­ists or non-ten­ure-track research fel­lows who do not hold a per­man­ent aca­dem­ic pos­i­tion and have achieved their research while facing dif­fi­cult circumstances.

Dead­line: Janu­ary 31st, 2024

Full applic­a­tion details are avail­able on the ini­ti­at­ive’s web­site: