Call – GEBI 2024–2025

ESEB aims to foster the devel­op­ment and integ­ra­tion of loc­al evol­u­tion­ary research com­munit­ies from regions out­side of the tra­di­tion­al strong­holds of the dis­cip­line, and their links with the evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy com­munity in Europe. To address this need, the Glob­al Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy Ini­ti­at­ive (GEBI) can provide fin­an­cial, organ­isa­tion­al and stra­tegic support. 

GEBI now wel­comes applic­a­tions to sup­port new pro­jects in line with its aims (examples include meet­ings to estab­lish or strengthen loc­al research­er net­works, con­duct­ing hands-on work­shops to dis­sem­in­ate new tools or meth­ods, or devel­op­ing cur­ricula for teaching).

The dead­line for this call will close on 1 Septem­ber 2024.

Fur­ther details on how to apply are avail­able at