
Pictures of new ESEB officers

Elections 2023

We are pleased to report the res­ults of the ESEB elec­tions in 2023.  The res­ults are the fol­low­ing:Mike Ritch­ie has been elec­ted to serve as Pres­id­ent from 2025 till…

Graphic EUEA award 2023

EUEA Award 2023

ESEB now accepts nom­in­a­tions for the ESEB Under-rep­res­en­ted ECR achieve­ment (EUEA) award. This ESEB award aims to high­light achieve­ments of under-rep­res­en­ted early-career research­ers (ECRs) who have faced difficult…

Picture Tetranychus-urticae

Call for applications – GEBI

The ESEB Glob­al Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy Ini­ti­at­ive (GEBI) now wel­comes applic­a­tions to sup­port new pro­jects in line with the ini­ti­at­ive’s aims, e.g., meet­ings to estab­lish or strengthen loc­al researcher…