Privacy Notice

Last updated: 25 Novem­ber 2021

The European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy takes your pri­vacy ser­i­ously. Our pri­vacy notice explains when, how and why we col­lect per­son­al data from you, how we pro­cess it, how we secure it, and which choices you have regard­ing our use of your data.

About us | How We Col­lect Inform­a­tion | Inform­a­tion You Provide | Inform­a­tion We Receive from Oth­er Sources | Use of Your Inform­a­tion | Dis­clos­ure and Shar­ing of Your Inform­a­tion | Cross Bor­der Trans­fers | Secur­ity | Cook­ies | Your Rights | Third-Parties | Changes to this Pri­vacy Notice | Con­tact

About us

The European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (here­after “ESEB”, “Soci­ety”, “we”, or “us”) is a Pub­lic Bene­fit organ­isa­tion registered in The Neth­er­lands under the tax num­ber: 8080.77.223. ESEB is registered at Molen­straat 156, 6712 CW Ede, The Neth­er­lands. The ESEB office man­ager can be reached by email ( or by mail to Dr. Ute Friedrich, Post­fach 910225, 90260 Nürn­berg, Ger­many. The offi­cial web­site of ESEB is avail­able at

The pur­pose of the Soci­ety is to pro­mote the study of organ­ic evol­u­tion. In order to achieve this, ESEB pub­lishes the Journ­al of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (JEB), co-pub­lishes the journ­al Evol­u­tion Let­ters, organ­izes sci­entif­ic con­fer­ences, sup­ports sci­entif­ic research con­cern­ing organ­ic evol­u­tion, and pro­motes a sci­entif­ic view of organ­ic evol­u­tion in edu­ca­tion and research.

ESEB acts as the con­trol­ler of the per­son­al data you provide to us. When you sub­mit your per­son­al inform­a­tion to us you con­sent to the prac­tises described in this pri­vacy policy. If you are under 18 years of age, you must first seek the con­sent of your par­ent or guard­i­an pri­or to sub­mit­ting any per­son­al inform­a­tion to us.

How We Collect Information

ESEB may col­lect per­son­al inform­a­tion from you in the fol­low­ing ways:

  1. dir­ectly from your verbal or writ­ten input (such as by join­ing as a mem­ber, apply­ing for funds and prizes, con­sent­ing to receiv­ing emails or newsletters),
  2. indir­ectly through online and off­line research or through third parties such as part­ners, con­tract­ors, or sub­con­tract­ors, and
  3. auto­mat­ic­ally when you vis­it the ESEB website.

Information You Provide

The types of per­son­al inform­a­tion that ESEB col­lects dir­ectly from you may include:

  • Con­tact details, e.g. your name, email address, postal address and tele­phone number;
  • Your CV, edu­ca­tion level, and affiliation;
  • Inter­net Pro­tocol (“IP”) addresses used to con­nect your com­puter to the Internet;
  • Com­mu­nic­a­tion preferences;
  • Pur­chase his­tory con­cern­ing your membership;
  • Com­mu­nic­a­tions with oth­er users of ESE­B’s services.

In order to access cer­tain con­tent and to make use of addi­tion­al func­tion­al­ity and fea­tures of ESE­B’s web­sites and ser­vices, we may ask you to register for an account by com­plet­ing and sub­mit­ting a regis­tra­tion form, in which addi­tion­al inform­a­tion may be requested.

Information We Receive from Other Sources

ESEB may receive inform­a­tion about you if you use any of the web­sites we oper­ate or oth­er ser­vices we provide. We also work with third parties includ­ing, for example, pub­lish­ers, and pro­fes­sion­al con­gress organ­izers from whom ESEB may receive inform­a­tion about you.

Use of Your Information

ESEB may use your per­son­al inform­a­tion in the per­form­ance of any con­tract we enter into with you, to com­ply with leg­al oblig­a­tions, or where the Soci­ety has a legit­im­ate busi­ness interest in using your inform­a­tion to enhance the ser­vices and products we provide. Legit­im­ate busi­ness pur­poses include, but are not lim­ited to, one or all of the fol­low­ing: provid­ing dir­ect mar­ket­ing and assess­ing the effect­ive­ness of pro­mo­tions and advert­ising; modi­fy­ing, improv­ing or per­son­al­iz­ing our ser­vices, products and com­mu­nic­a­tions; detect­ing fraud; invest­ig­at­ing sus­pi­cious activ­ity (e.g., viol­a­tions of our fund trans­fer agree­ments) and oth­er­wise keep­ing our web­site safe and secure; and con­duct­ing data analytics.

In addi­tion, we may use your inform­a­tion in the fol­low­ing ways (after obtain­ing your con­sent, if required):

  • To provide you with inform­a­tion about the Soci­ety, its affil­i­ates, products and ser­vices that you request from us;
  • To send you peri­od­ic news­let­ters and email announce­ments from ESEB;
  • To provide you with inform­a­tion about oth­er products, events and ser­vices we offer that are either (i) sim­il­ar to those you have already pur­chased or inquired about, or (ii) entirely new products, events and services;
  • For intern­al busi­ness and research pur­poses to help enhance, eval­u­ate, devel­op, and cre­ate ESEB web­sites (includ­ing usage stat­ist­ics), products, and services;
  • To noti­fy you about changes or updates to our web­sites, products, or services;
  • To admin­is­ter our ser­vices and for intern­al oper­a­tions, includ­ing troubleshoot­ing, data ana­lys­is, test­ing, stat­ist­ic­al, and sur­vey purposes;
  • To allow you to par­ti­cip­ate in the ESEB elec­tions or nom­in­a­tions; and
  • For any oth­er pur­pose that we may noti­fy you of from time to time.

Per­son­al inform­a­tion will not be kept longer than is neces­sary for the pur­pose for which it was col­lec­ted. This means that, unless inform­a­tion must be retained for leg­al or archiv­al pur­poses, per­son­al inform­a­tion will be des­troyed, put bey­ond use or erased from ESE­B’s sys­tems when it is no longer required or, where applic­able, fol­low­ing a request from you to des­troy or erase it. We may keep your inform­a­tion in an anonymised form for mon­it­or­ing equal­ity and diversity with­in the soci­ety and its activities.

Disclosure and Sharing of Your Information

ESEB will not dis­close to or share your per­son­al inform­a­tion with any unaf­fili­ated third party except as follows:

  • Where neces­sary in con­nec­tion with ser­vices provided by third parties (i) who provide us with office, admin­is­trat­ive, inform­a­tion tech­no­logy, pro­duc­tion, pay­ment, or busi­ness man­age­ment ser­vices, and (ii) who are required to com­ply with this policy;
  • Where you vol­un­tar­ily provide inform­a­tion in response to an advert­ise­ment from a third party;
  • Where your con­sent has been provided, with a third party such as an aca­dem­ic insti­tu­tion, school, employ­er, busi­ness or oth­er entity which has provided you with access to a product or ser­vice through an integ­ra­tion or access code, inform­a­tion may be shared regard­ing your engage­ment with the ser­vice or product, res­ults of assess­ments taken and oth­er inform­a­tion you input into the product or service;
  • Where ESEB is required to dis­close per­son­al inform­a­tion in response to law­ful requests by pub­lic author­it­ies and gov­ern­ment agen­cies, includ­ing to meet nation­al secur­ity or law enforce­ment require­ments; to com­ply with a sub­poena or oth­er leg­al pro­cess; when we believe in good faith that dis­clos­ure is neces­sary to pro­tect our rights or to pro­tect the rights, prop­erty or safety of our ser­vices, users or oth­ers; and to invest­ig­ate fraud; and
  • Where all or sub­stan­tially all of the busi­ness or assets of ESEB relat­ing to our ser­vices are sold, assigned, or trans­ferred to anoth­er entity.

If neces­sary in con­nec­tion with provid­ing data for research pur­poses, ESEB may dis­close inform­a­tion in the form of anonym­ous, aggreg­ate usage stat­ist­ics and demo­graph­ics inform­a­tion that does not reveal your iden­tity or per­son­al information.

Cross Border Transfers

ESEB may trans­fer your per­son­al inform­a­tion out­side of your coun­try of res­id­ence for the fol­low­ing reasons:

  • In order to pro­cess your trans­ac­tions, we may store your per­son­al inform­a­tion on our sys­tem which may reside out­side the coun­try where you live. ESEB has phys­ic­al or vir­tu­al data stor­ages and office loc­a­tion dis­trib­uted in The Neth­er­lands, Ger­many, United States, and Aus­tralia. Such pro­cessing may include, among oth­er things, the pro­cessing of your pay­ment details and the pro­vi­sion of sup­port services.
  • In order to sat­is­fy glob­al report­ing require­ments, ESEB may be required to provide your per­son­al inform­a­tion to ESEB affil­i­ates in oth­er countries.

By sub­mit­ting your per­son­al inform­a­tion, you agree to this trans­fer, stor­ing or pro­cessing of your inform­a­tion. We will take all steps reas­on­ably neces­sary to ensure that your per­son­al inform­a­tion is treated securely and in accord­ance with this Pri­vacy Notice and all applic­able data pro­tec­tion laws.


We will use appro­pri­ate phys­ic­al, tech­nic­al and admin­is­trat­ive safe­guards to pro­tect your data. Access to your per­son­al data will be restric­ted to only those who need to know that inform­a­tion and required to per­form their job func­tion. In addi­tion, we train our soci­ety employ­ees and volun­teers about the import­ance of main­tain­ing the con­fid­en­ti­al­ity and secur­ity of your information.


As is true of most web­sites, we gath­er cer­tain inform­a­tion auto­mat­ic­ally using AWstats. This inform­a­tion may include IP addresses, browser type, Inter­net ser­vice pro­vider (“ISP”), referring/exit pages, the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graph­ics, etc.), oper­at­ing sys­tem, and date/time stamp to ana­lyse trends in the aggreg­ate and admin­is­ter the site. Data col­lec­ted by AWstats will be stored at the serv­er of the host­ing com­pany for two weeks.

Cur­rently, ESEB does not use any cook­ies on its web­site

Your Rights

You have the right to make a writ­ten request to be informed wheth­er or not we hold or pro­cess any of your per­son­al inform­a­tion (by email to In your writ­ten request, you may:

  • Request that we provide you with details of your per­son­al inform­a­tion that we pro­cess, the pur­pose for which it is pro­cessed, the recip­i­ents of such inform­a­tion, the exist­ence of any auto­mated decision mak­ing involving your per­son­al inform­a­tion, and what trans­fer safe­guards we have in place;
  • Request that we rec­ti­fy any errors in your per­son­al information;
  • Request that we delete your per­son­al inform­a­tion if our con­tin­ued pro­cessing of such inform­a­tion is not justified;
  • Request that we trans­fer your per­son­al inform­a­tion to a third party;
  • Object to auto­mated decision-mak­ing and pro­fil­ing based on legit­im­ate interests or the per­form­ance of a task in the pub­lic interest (in which event the pro­cessing will cease except where there are com­pel­ling legit­im­ate grounds, such as when the pro­cessing is neces­sary for the per­form­ance of a con­tract between us);
  • Object to dir­ect mar­ket­ing from us; and
  • Object to pro­cessing for pur­poses of sci­entif­ic, his­tor­ic­al research and statistics.

Where applic­able under your loc­al laws, we will not use your per­son­al inform­a­tion for mar­ket­ing pur­poses, nor dis­close your inform­a­tion to any third parties, unless we have your pri­or con­sent, which we will seek before col­lect­ing your per­son­al inform­a­tion. You can exer­cise your right to pre­vent such pro­cessing by check­ing cer­tain boxes on the con­sent forms we use when col­lect­ing your per­son­al inform­a­tion. If at any point you wish to review or change your pref­er­ences you can use the “opt-out” or unsub­scribe mech­an­ism or oth­er means provided with­in the com­mu­nic­a­tions that you receive from us or by send­ing an email to Note that you may still receive trans­ac­tion­al com­mu­nic­a­tions from ESEB.


ESE­B’s web­sites or ser­vices may include links to third-party web­sites. In using such links, please be aware that each third-party web­site is sub­ject to its own pri­vacy and data pro­tec­tion policies and is not covered by our Pri­vacy Notice.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

Please note that ESE­B’s Pri­vacy Notice is reviewed peri­od­ic­ally. ESEB reserves the right to modi­fy its Pri­vacy Notice at any time without notice. Any changes to the Pri­vacy Notice will be pos­ted on this page and will become effect­ive on the date of post­ing. We encour­age you to peri­od­ic­ally review this page for the latest inform­a­tion on our pri­vacy practices.


Ques­tions, com­ments and requests regard­ing this pri­vacy notice are wel­comed and should be addressed by email to Please note that before we can respond to your request, we may ask you for fur­ther inform­a­tion to veri­fy your identity.