The aim of ESEB’s environmental impact committee is to develop guidelines and recommendations for reducing the environmental impacts of ESEB activities such as conferences and networks. ESEB members interested in joining the committee are encouraged to contact the ESEB Office at No prior experience or specific expertise is required!
Actions for reducing ESEB’s environmental impact
Adopted by the ESEB Council on 15-12-2022
1. Congress format
Plane travel to and from ESEB events (congresses, network events, etc.) likely makes up >90% of the carbon emissions of these events–00823‑2. At the same time, face to face networking opportunities remain important, so plane travel is sometimes unavoidable due to the international nature of the society. Therefore, a strong aim of the Society towards a more climate neutral future should be to reduce plane travel wherever possible. To achieve this, the environmental impact committee proposes the following measures:
- Record travel habits and sustainability measures of conferences organised in a systematic manner.
- Support and encourage members of the society to organise online topical meeting in-between the regular congress cycle.
- Explore and support the implementation of arranging a ‘hub conference’ for the meeting following the one in Barcelona. A hub conference would include meetings arranged in multiple location hubs to reduce long-distance travel for the majority of members as they ideally attend one of the hubs without plane travel. If feasibility is established, from thereon that concept will be implemented as every second ESEB congress in the future.
- Live-streaming, including opportunity to ask questions online, and preferably recording of scientific sessions at all future ESEB congresses whenever financially feasible. This also makes the congress accessible to a broader range of evolutionary biologists–00823‑2.
- Ensuring congress organisers provide participants with details about alternatives to plane travel for future congresses.
2. Travel for other ESEB networks and initiatives
ESEB reimburse travel costs for several initiatives such as (but not limited to) Special Topic Networks (STNs), officers and invited speakers.
In the future, all such initiatives will not reimburse the cost of plane travel when the distance travelled is under 500 km, or the travel time with alternative transport formats would be less than six hours, unless there are exceptional circumstances which is decided by the organizers of the meeting. Organizers should provide options of the greenest route.
3. Carbon footprint compensation
Currently, there is no clearly optimal approach for compensating carbon footprints, but ESEB is committed to continued efforts to identify appropriate compensation mechanisms, and utilizing them when financially feasible, once identified.
4. Other congress and network practices
Although plane travel makes up the majority of ESEB’s carbon footprint, there are a number of other actions that can further reduce emissions and result in more environmentally friendly meetings. ESEB recognizes that implementing these options may not always be the least expensive alternatives, but supports their implementation despite this.
- Meals offered at congresses should primarily be plant-based.
- Use of disposable cups, plates etc. should be avoided, and if so they should be compostable.
- Drinking water refill points and recycling stations should be available.
- Any ‘extras’ provided with the congress bag, or offered by sponsors, should be minimized. Or even eliminate conference bags if possible.
- Congress venues should have green certification.
- Additional environmental actions implemented at previous congresses should be implemented wherever possible (a list of previous actions is provided to each congress organiser).
- Congress organisers are expected to report their planned environmental impact actions to the Environmental Impact committee at least one year in advance of the congress.
- Other ESEB initiatives (STNs etc.) are also expected to follow these guidelines wherever possible and to report their actions to the Environmental Impact committee.
5. Carbon neutrality
ESEB commits to aiming that its activities are carbon neutral by 2032.