Call – EO Initiative Funds 2025

The Equal Oppor­tun­it­ies Ini­ti­at­ive Funds aim at sup­port­ing activ­it­ies that increase aware­ness of the prob­lem and pos­sible solu­tions. Such pro­pos­als can include, but are not lim­ited to, short work­shops (for instance, on uncon­scious bias) and/or sem­inars (with invited speak­ers) at your home organ­isa­tion, data col­lec­tion, pub­lic­a­tion activ­it­ies and sim­il­ar events. It must be clear from the pro­pos­al how the activ­ity will improve our know­ledge and aware­ness of inequal­it­ies, or how the activ­ity will improve equal oppor­tun­it­ies dir­ectly, in the ESEB spe­cific­ally, or Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy as a field in general.

More inform­a­tion about pre­vi­ous pro­jects and the currrent call is avail­able at the ini­ti­at­ive’s web­site: