ESEB2022 Plenary Hall


The bien­ni­al ESEB con­gress is one of the largest con­fer­ences in evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy with about 1400 – 1700 par­ti­cipants. The con­gress usu­ally takes place in August in Europe.

Guidelines for Con­gress Organ­isers: Down­load the guidelines

Code of Con­duct: Down­load the Code of Conduct

Upcoming ESEB Congresses

Logo ESEB2025

In 2025, the con­gress will take place in August in Bar­celona, Spain, organ­ized by Toni Gabaldón and hos­ted by the the Span­ish Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­anary Bio­logy. For fur­ther details please vis­it the con­gress web­site at .

Past ESEB Congresses

2022 – Prague, CZ – organ­ised by Lukáš Kra­tochvíl
Pro­gram 2022 | Abstracts 2022

2019 – Turku, FI – organ­ized by Craig Prim­mer
Pro­gram 2019 | Links to live streams and record­ings:

2017 – Gronin­gen, NL – organ­ized by Leo W. Beuk­e­boom
Pro­gram 2017

2015 – Lausanne, CH – organ­ised by Nic­olas Per­rin
Pro­gram 2015 | Abstracts 2015

2013 – Lis­bon, PT – organ­ised by Octá­vio S. Paulo
Pro­gram 2013 | Abstracts & List of Poster 2013 | Record­ings

2011 – Tübin­gen, DE – organ­ised by Nico Michiels
Pro­gram & Abstracts 2011
Please note that the web-domain of the 2011 con­gress was taken over by an anti-evol­u­tion organ­iz­a­tion. ESEB unfor­tu­nately has no means to change this and dis­ap­proves of the presen­ted content.

2009 – Torino, IT – organ­ised by Cristina Loren­zi and Gab­ri­ella Sella
Pro­gram, Abstracts, List of Poster 2009

2007 – Uppsala, SE – organ­ised by Jac­ob Höglund, Jon Ågren, and Mats Björklund
Pro­gram & Abstracts 2007

2005 – Krakow, PL – organ­ised by Jan Kozlowski
Pro­gram 2005

2003 – Leeds, UK – organ­ised by Roger But­lin
Pro­gram & Abstracts 2003

2001 – Aar­hus, DK – organ­ised by Volk­er Loeschcke

1999 – Bar­celona, ES – organ­ised by Anti­onio Font­dev­illa
Pro­gram, Abstracts, Par­ti­cipants 1999

1997 – Arnhem, NL – organ­ised by Jos van Damme
Pro­gram & Abstracts 1997

1995 – Edin­burgh, UK – organ­ised by Nick Bar­ton
Pro­gram, Abstracts, Par­ti­cipants 1995

1993 – Mont­pel­li­er, FR – organ­ised by François Catze­flis
Pro­gram & Par­ti­cipants 1993

1991 – Debre­cen, HU – organ­ised by Gabor Vida
Pro­gram 1991 | Abstracts 1991

1989 – Rome, IT – organ­ised by Valerio Sbor­doni
Abstracts 1989

1987 – Basel, CH – organ­ised by Steph­en C. Ste­arns
Pre­lim­in­ary Pro­gram 1987 | Pro­gram 1987 | Par­ti­cipants 1987

Next Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology

Joint evolution 2024

The con­gresses are held every six years jointly togeth­er with the Amer­ic­an Soci­ety of Nat­ur­al­ists (ASN), the Soci­ety of Sys­tem­at­ic Bio­lo­gists (SSB), and the Soci­ety for the Study of Evol­u­tion (SSE).

The 3rd joint con­gress will take place vir­tu­ally from June 27–28, 2024 and in-per­son from July 26 – 30, 2024, in Montreal, CA.

More inform­a­tion is avail­able at

Past Joint Congresses

  • 2018 – Mont­pel­li­er, FR – organ­ized by Ophélie Ronce and Yan­nis Michala­kis
    Pro­gram 2018
  • 2012 – Ott­awa, CA – organ­ised by Howard Rundle and Andrew Simons
    Pro­gram 2012